California Bill Would Require E-Bike Riders to Pass Safety Test

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California e-bike licenseCalifornia e-bike license

State Assembly member Tasha Boerner has introduced a bill that would require riders to pass a written safety test. The bill is aimed at young riders who Boerner is concerned don’t understand traffic rules.

Riders over the age of 12 but don’t yet have a driver’s license would be required to take and pass the test. Upon passing the test, prospective riders would be required to carry a state-issued ID.

Boerner, said the effort is to make sure both kids and parents understand traffic rules in order to keep kids safe when riding their e-bikes.

The test would be based on safety training published by the California Highway Patrol, in response to AB 1946, also authored by Boerner.

“E-bikes provide that sense of freedom that so many kids and Californians are looking for,” Boener said, “but it’s crucial that we ensure they know how to ride using the rules of our roads, and make safe and smart decisions when sharing the road with cars and pedestrians.”

AB 2234 is a variation of a bill Boerner introduced in 2023, AB 530, that would have instituted an e-bike license for all e-bike riders over the age of 12 who don’t have a driver’s license. However, the DMV had issued a moratorium on changes to licensure until 2030, effectively killing AB 530.

“With this bill, I hope to address this gap in education for young riders and keep the next generation of Californians safe on the road,” Boerner said.

Boerner is adamant that the emphasis be on education and equity. Rider who violate e-bike rules will be diverted into education and community service, rather than fined.

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