Lectric & Mr. Beast Donate E-Bikes to 600 People

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Lectric & Mr. Beast Donate E-Bikes to 600 PeopleLectric & Mr. Beast Donate E-Bikes to 600 People

Lectric eBikes has teamed up with Mr. Beast’s philanthropic arm, Beast Philanthropy, to give e-bikes to people across the U.S. in need. To be considered, Lectric and Mr. Beast asked people to submit a video making their case for why they should receive one.

Apparently, after Mr. Beast put out a call for submissions through social media, they were inundated with videos. How big was the response? They had to screen thousands of videos just to narrow the applicants down to the 600 ultimate recipients. While some of the e-bikes were delivered by hand, there were so many recipients around the U.S. that they had to ship many of them.

“Lectric Ebikes time and time again steps up to the plate, asks for very little, and helps us help as many people as possible. In this video, they gave us $600,000 worth of bikes! If you ever were curious if a brand actually likes helping people and wants to do good, you shouldn’t have to wonder that about Lectric Ebikes. If there ever was a brand you should support, it’s them,” said Mr. Beast.

In covering the e-bike market, we talk a lot about “affordability” and define it as the low end of a four-figure purchase. We’re not insensitive to the reality that a $1000 purchase can strain many households. Lectric is a brand we’ve been happy to praise because few brands approach their balance of reliability and low cost. And we’ve been gratified to see them embracing UL certification for their e-bikes as a way to move the e-bike industry forward here in the U.S.

Philanthropy is a terrific way to build goodwill in a community, but it also gives potential buyers another reassurance: Any brand that can give away $600,000 in e-bikes isn’t just successful, they are enjoying a level of stability that many brands struggle to reach, giving consumers one more reason to place their faith in them.

Check out Mr. Beast’s video for yourself.

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