Gears & Chains – the secret to smooth shifting

Gears & Chains

What is so important about gears and chains? If they go wrong, you can have a serious issue, especially if you are a long way from a bike shop. When I started on my ebike, I knew how to steer, change gears and pedal. I knew nothing about the mechanical side or how to look after my ebike. All I remembered from when I was a kid was to oil the chain occasionally and hose it down when I got it particularly muddy in a field or track.

My husband is a bike mechanic, so you can’t help but learn a few things along the way. Despite my protests about having a bike mechanic in the family, why learn? I have been able to fix a few things now and again. I can also tell my bike mechanic husband what the issue is on my bike much better now rather than just saying, ‘Something squeaks’.

Hai bike, Salzach
Gears and chains on my Haibike

The issue and solution for gears & chains

Recently, I had a problem changing gear, and it felt like the chain was jumping and not catching. The chain didn’t come off, but it could have, so we looked at several areas to find out what was wrong. In the end, Pete changed the chain as it was a bit stretched, and he felt I was better off with a new chain.

If your gears are noisy or slipping when you change, then it is worth going to your local bike shop to get it checked. It could be your chain or the gear mechanism, which could require a bit more attention.

When you are peddling, and your chain is noisy, it might be stretched or worn, and it is time for a new one. Bike shops have a simple tool to check if your chain is worn or stretched, so pop along and get them to look at it.

If the chain keeps falling off, then it could be the gears need adjusting, which your friendly local shop can help you with.

To avoid chain issues:

  • Keep the chain clean. It can wear out if your chain is constantly wet, so keep it oiled and clean.
  • If the chain gets wet and muddy, many bits of grit and sand will get onto the chain. That has an abrasive effect and will wear your chain out faster than normal.
  • If you have a day in torrential rain, it can wash off all the oil from your chain, and it could rust, making the chain creak.
  • Cleaning the chain is simple. Just take a rag over it to wipe the worst dirt off, and then use some oil to make it run smoothly.
  • Careful not to put on too much oil, or it will pick up lots of dirt, like when your feet are wet and the sand sticks to them.

The secret to smooth gear shifting

Most ebikes are designed to change gear under load. As in, if you are putting your full weight behind turning the pedals and shifting the gears at the same time. This can sometimes lead to a crunching noise as you change the gears up and down.

For smoother gear changes, slack off the pressure on your pedal slightly and then change gears. This should sound much better and smoother without the crunching and grinding.

Hai bikeHai bike
Hai bike

If you want to be able to clean your chain like a pro, check out this video from the Electric Mountainbike Network:

For regular updates, photos and inspiration, visit my Facebook & Instagram page @ebikeeurope

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