New York Tests Public E-Bike Charging Stations

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NY Tests Public E-Bike Charging StationsNY Tests Public E-Bike Charging Stations

In an effort to improve safety and working conditions for people using e-bikes for delivery in New York, the city has just opened its first public charging station for e-bike batteries. The station is an experiment, one that will last six months to test the viability of public charging stations.

The station is public more in concept than function. Its use will be limited to 100 e-bike delivery workers and they will be able to charge batteries at no cost to them.

Poorly made and illegally repaired lithium-ion batteries were responsible fires that injured 150 people and killed 18 in 2023 alone.

The charging station is located in Cooper Square in the East Village. In the coming weeks, New York officials plan to open four additional stations in Brooklyn and Manhattan.

“We count on delivery workers for so much, and they should be able to count on us, too — whether that means fighting for fair pay or making their jobs and livelihoods safer,” said New York City Mayor Eric Adams.

Delivery workers who wish to participate in the program can fill out an expression of interest form. There will also be public events to promote the stations at Cooper Square on March 7th, 2024, from 2PM to 5PM and at the Brooklyn Army Terminal on March 8th, 2024, from 2PM to 5PM.

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